What the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation Should Be?


Русин Сергей,Rusin Sergey


According to the Security Council’s decision Environmental Security Strategy has been started to develop in Russia. The author thinks that the Strategy can be successful only if we have previously developed the concept of it. The Strategy’s concept should be based on extensive discussions with public authorities, experts in the field of national security, environmental protection and ecological safety, including lawyers. The article offers to discuss several proposals of the Strategy status and content. First, due to the variety of documents with the name of «strategy», is proposed to develop strategies to consider as a comprehensive plan to prevent threats to environmental security. Second, the strategy should be a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the National Security Strategy and the Concept of Sustainable Development, Environment doctrine, Principles of state policy in the field of environmental development in the part in which these documents are aimed at ensuring environmental safety as an element integral part of national Security. Third, under the threat of environmental safety are invited to understand the factors of the environment, have a negative impact on human society and the state (their physical, spiritual, cultural and other values). Source of threat is the state of the environment, changes in economic and other human activities, as well as natural hazards. Additionally, this article contains proposals for the classification of threats of environmental safety and legal measures to counter such threats. According to the author, stated approaches allow science-based strategies to determine the place in the documents of the state strategic planning, ensure environmental security as an element of national security, to separate it from the environment.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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