
Каримов ,Karimov Tagir


Many entities of agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation began to feel the considerable difficulties, which changed parameters of functioning of their internal processes in circumstances of the global financial crisis. To overcoming the developed negative situation many entities began actively to apply the upgrade institute from a production component up to personnel management. In order to improve the effectiveness of this institution in the personnel management and implementation of innovative projects in the agro-industrial enterprises, the author developed a scheme of management process organization of its innovation activities with elements of neural network modeling and the system of key performance indicators. The approbation of results of a research was carried out at two agro-industrial entities of the Republic of Tatarstan - JSC “Krasnyy Vostok Agro” and CJSC “Agrosila Group” on the proceedings, collected from 2013 to 2015. During the of approbation of the developed scheme such methods were used: analytical, graphical, expert, economic and mathematical, logical and system approach. Fundamental difference of the developed scheme from the existing analogs is reached for the account of: implementation of accounting of functioning specifics of the agro-industrial entities, as subjects of the market; use of the advanced tools - management by means of system of key performance indicators; researches of actions for management of innovative activities stimulation within the final number of the integrated blocks (economic, legal, information, organizational and technological); use of multiple orientation, which quantitative estimates are received on the basis of a neural network algorithm; orientations to the multi scenario approach, created from dual system of options on each of five developed blocks of actions with a possibility of their combination; availability of a complex feedback mechanism between all blocks of the developed scheme of the organization. Thus offered scheme can be successfully applied in the course of upgrade of management of stimulation of innovative activities of the agro-industrial entities on terms of preliminary handling of the available data on implementable innovative projects.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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