Digital competencies of Donbass teachers: analysis of the current state and development vectors


Grom E.1


1. Donetsk State Pedagogical University


The article analyzes the state of integration of digital technologies into the practical activities of teachers of educational organizations of the Donetsk People's Republic in the context of the development of digital competencies. The processes of integration into the educational space of the Russian Federation, the transition to the updated Federal State Educational Standards, work on preserving and improving the quality of educational results, taking place in a difficult socio-political situation, changes in ethnic identity, shortage of personnel, technical infrastructure, forced work in mixed and remote formats exacerbate the methodological, didactic and organizational problems of introducing new technologies in the educational environment. The study interprets the results of a survey of teachers, analyzes the subjective experience of using digital technologies in the educational process, which allows us to see the overall picture of the formation of digital competencies of teachers to determine the vectors of further development.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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