Qualitative indicators of winnowing machine


Шатохин ,Shatokhin Ivan,Оробинский ,Orobinskiy Vladimir,Парфенов ,Parfenov Aleksey


The urgency of the issue of grain production as the most important branch of agricultural production is described. Equally important for refined grains has such an indicator of quality of grain as it is damage that at harvest and post-harvest handling especially when grain reaches significant values. Therefore, we evaluated the quality of grain handling of various cultures on the production line of winnowing machine 3AB-40 LLC "Fakel" of Petropavlovsky district of Voronezh region. The results of studies of the 3AB-40 are presented, quality performance of machines are defined that are part of the production line. Nature of changes in the purity of the grain at the output of each machine of production line is considers. Detailed table of the fractional composition of the grain heap of cultures during processing on machines 3AB-40 is presented, in particular the composition of the grain heap entering the post-harvest treatment on the content the whole grain, crushed grain and weeds. A plot of the purity of the grain heap is presented when it is processed. Also the level of injury of seeds separately for each culture, and as it passes through each machine 3AB-40 is detailed. Analyzing numerous studies it was found that post-harvest technology of grain heap and technical resources for its implementation should ensure the allocation of the weeds at a very early stage of processing, biologically inferior grain and most of the injured grain. From above it follows the need to improve this production line in order to increase the purity of grain at the output and reduce its damage. Recommendations for installing in the process line of pre-cleaning machine МПО-50, better air-sieved cleaning machine, for example, ОЗФ-50 and ОЗФ-80. That will provide almost complete separation of light impurities, large impurities and partially puny grain, thereby improving the operation of subsequent machines that will surely affect the purity of the grain at the output of the line.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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