The Specificity of Building a Brand Image of Ski Resorts in Russia and Austria


Semenova L.1


1. Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics


Introduction. The article is devoted to identifying the features of the formation of brand communications and brand image of ski resorts in Russia and Austria. Aim. After analyzing current trends in the formation of brand communications and the brand image of ski resorts in Russia and Austria, to identify features and problems in their construction, development drivers. Methodology and methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study was chosen marketing, integrative and image-based approaches. The research methods were an analytical review of literature sources and the content of previous studies, participant observation, content analysis, feedback analysis, comparative analysis of geo-branding of Russian and Austrian ski resorts, synthesis, and generalization. Results. Based on a comparative analysis of the geo-branding of Russian and Austrian ski resorts, features, tools, problems and drivers for the development of brand communications were identified. Scientific novelty is to identify traditional and modern channels of brand communication and brand image, as well as digital and phygital tools for geo-branding of ski resorts in Russia and Austria. Practical significance. The results of the study can be useful for improving brand communications and brand image of ski resorts.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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