Key Linguistic and Cultural Values of the Russian Linguistic Worldview in Internet Reviews of Tourists About a Trip to China


Boguslavskaya Vera1ORCID,Sun' Veyfan1


1. State Institute of Russian Language named A. Pushkin


Tourist review is a popular and modern type of Internet communication. The object of consideration in the article is the Internet reviews of Russian tourists posted on social networks about a trip to China. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Internet reviews of tourists in the axiological aspect and to identify the linguocultural specifics of the Russian linguistic worldview. The material of the study was 585 texts of online reviews. The main research methods are the content analysis, interpretive and linguoculturological analyzes. As a result of the study, the authors identify the key linguistic and cultural values of the Russian linguistic worldview, reflected in the concepts of travel, culture, knowledge, communication, China and hospitality, which make up the concept sphere of Russian tourism discourse with the destination China.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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