
Dubrovchenko Elena1


1. Minsk State Linguistic University


Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of communicative distance in communication and the necessity to study the types of violation of communicative distance, as well as verbal and non-verbal means which describe them. Aim. The aim of the article is to establish the violations of the communicative distance in everyday discourse and to conduct the analysis of these violations. Methodology and research methods. Main research methods include the hypothetical-deductive method, the interpretive method, the contextual analysis and introspection. Results. In the theoretical part the concepts of everyday discourse and communicative distance are considered, the components of a typical situation of privacy violation are indicated, the classifications of violations of communicative distance proposed by scientists are given. In the practical part, based on the proposed classifications and the results of the study, the author’s classification of violations of the correlation between privacy and publicity in everyday discourse is worked out. It has been established that these violations are multi-vector. Violations directed towards reducing the communicative distance are presented more widely than violations directed towards its increasing. A person who breaks the distance can play both an active role in a communicative situation and a passive one. Violations can be intentional and unintentional. As a result of the analysis, ways of expressing violations of the correlation between privacy and publicity in communication, as well as verbal and non-verbal means of indicating the revealed violations, were identified. Scientific novelty lies in working out the author’s classification of violations of the correlation between privacy and publicity in everyday discourse. Practical significance. The results can be used by specialists who are interested in the problems of communicative distance.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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