Communicative Valence of Hedonistic Values in the Traditional Russian Axiosphere


Bochina T.1ORCID


1. Kazan (Volga) Federal University


The relevance of the research is conditioned by the undoubted scientific significance of cognition of structural and semantic features of axiosphere and types of interaction between different values that make up the space of Russian linguoculture. The aim of the article is to reconstruct a fragment of the Russian axiosphere with the top "happiness" by means of representation of interrelations of this value with others. At the same time, the task of establishing the communicative axiological valence of hedonistic values is solved. The subject of the study is the types of relations of different values with each other, the object of the study is Russian proverbs and sayings about happiness / unhappiness. The main methods of research are axiological analysis, semantic, descriptive-analytical methods. Results. It is proved that in Russian proverbs the value "happiness" interacts with different axiological types: moral and moral, psychological, intellectual and cognitive, religious, existential, utilitarian and practical, economic and other values. Thus, the axiological valence of hedonistic values is multi-place. The following types of axiological associations have been identified: harmonious combination of different values/anti-values, contrast of value and anti-value of one kind, contradictory combination of values and anti-values of different kinds. The scientific novelty consists in introducing into scientific circulation the concept of communicative axiological valence, which is understood as the ability of lexemes naming this or that value to enter into semantic and syntactic relations with other axiolexemes in an utterance. The practical significance of the article is that the proposed approach to the value aspect of communication can be used in the study of the axiological picture of the world of the Russian people, as well as in the development of university special courses on axiology and paremiology.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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