Lexical Markers and Associates of the "Border" Concept


Milovanova M.1


1. Pushkin State Russian Language Institute


Abstract The subject of the study is the concept "border". The purpose of the study is to identify words based on the material of associative dictionaries and the results of experiments (associative and explicative), the meaning of which contains potential semes ‘border, restriction’, that is words that had or have the opportunity to replenish the fund of lexical units of representatives of the idea of the border. As a result of the study, the following were identified: 1) potential semes not realized during the development of thought and language in the meaning of the words "bridge" and "thread"; 2) the currently updated semes 'border, restriction' in the words "barrier", "pause", " caesura ", which indicates the development of the concept "border" and its relevance in the Russian language picture of the world.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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