The Role of Family Image in Russian And Polish Paroemiac World Views as a Way of Current Intercultural Communication’s Realization


Baskakova A.1


1. Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Introduction. The article’s material is dedicated to comparative analysis of peculiarities of Russian and Polish world view through a prism of paroemias. Aim. Funstional capabilities of paroemias are evaluated at work, opening the manner of thought of Russian and Polish informants for intercultural communication’s achievement. Methodology and research methods. At the process of Russian and Polish paroemias world view research, descriptive, comparative and solid sample methods were used. Results. As the result of the work represents the fact of intercultural communication ascertainment through making an analysis of the meanings at pending paroemias structures, search of common and different at the description of family image and the next discovery of main national characteristics at Russian and Polish world views. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty of analyzed material consists in search of a new approach of realizing common intercultural communication through search of meanings at paroemias for watching the variants of their interpretation by informants of Russian and Polish lingual cultures starting with an analysis at lexis level and finishing with a realization of their influence on own world view construction and perception of another. Practical significance. The usage of obtained results can be possibly realized at pedagogics when learners through acquaintance, studying, usage of paroemias at speech come to a perception of speech – thinking relation after being reflected at formation of their own world view; understanding the meanings of Russian and Polish paroemias promotes knowing of world views, indicating about the realization of intercultural communication.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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1. Russia – China: Bridges of Communication;Scientific Research and Development. Modern Communication Studies;2023-03-06







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