1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
The article discloses the mechanisms for constructing and researching a theoretical and game model of interaction between manufacturers of SLR cameras taking into account demand forecasting. The need for the use of theoretical and game modeling of an advanced level, taking into account the predicted values of demand for mirror photographic equipment, as well as the dynamics of demand for a new photo product, is justified. In order to study the phenomenon of competitive interaction of manufacturers of SLR cameras, a comprehensive application of econometric analysis and theoretical game modeling was implemented. It is noted that this approach can be widely used in the practice of making decisions in the field of the photo industry. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the advanced game model of the choice by the manufacturer of camera equipment of the time of bringing new photo products to the market. In the process of analyzing the game model, maximax criteria, Laplace criterion, Wald criterion, Sevij criterion, Hurwitz criterion and Hodge Lehman criterion are used. Comprehensive analysis of the game model, supplemented by meaningful interpretations, contributes to improving the quality of decisions made in the photographic technology market, including when choosing marketing strategies for the promotion of photographers in the context of mainstreaming the risks of various nature and the limitations of the pandemic.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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