Problems of Wage Differentiation by Industry, Type of Ownership and Categories of Personnel in Russia


Basovskaya Elena1,Basovskiy Leonid1


1. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


Differentiation of wages by industries, forms of ownership and categories of personnel makes it possible to reveal the inconsistency of economic development. The high level of wages in the extractive industry testifies to the development of industrial structures in the economy. The high level of remuneration in activities in information and communication is conditioned by the development of the fifth and sixth post-industrial structures. The low level of remuneration in science, information, in education in organizations of state and municipal property in comparison with organizations of non-state property indicates that insufficient attention is paid to economic policy to the development of industries that determine post-industrial development, for which it is necessary to accelerate scientific and technological progress. raising the level of education of the employed population, informatization. The low level of remuneration for specialists indicates that both in state and municipal property organizations and in non-state property organizations there is not enough interest in using the labor of specialists.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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