Digitization As the Main Trend of Innovative Transformation of the Economy


Martynov V.1


1. Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penal Service


The work is devoted to the direction of digitalization in the innovative economy, the financial aspect. The sixth technological order, the trend "Resources, energy and ecology", commercialization and digitalization of innovations, the finiteness of resources are considered. The issues of the "green" economy, the prerequisites for its creation, the practice of state regulation, the concept of "4R" use of resources, renewable energy sources, distributed energy are consecrated. The article considers electric power storage devices that synchronize the processes of energy production and consumption. The analysis of the increase in carbon-free energy is made. The prospects of the Russian Federation in the "green" sector of the economy, the forecast for the "Strategy for the long-term development of the Russian Federation with low greenhouse gas emissions until 2050", shows the importance of implementing the principles of environmental, social and corporate governance, responsible investment. The tendency of the unification of states on the basis of the "green" economy is shown. The conclusion is made about the action program with practical application.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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