Assessment of Food Security in Russia in the Conditions of Global Changes


Yakovenko N.1


1. Institution of Agricultural Problems of Russian Sciences Academy


To study the problems of ensuring food security in Russia under the conditions of external restrictions, an analysis of the dynamic and structural characteristics of the functioning of the country's agri-food complex was carried out. The persistence of positive trends in self-sufficiency and the formation of the personal consumption fund for basic food products is revealed. Changes in foreign trade turnover of food, import substitution in the national food market are assessed. A high dependence of the coun-try's agri-food complex on imports of the main types of machinery and equipment, technologies and innovative developments has been revealed. Qualitative shifts in the sectoral structure of the agri-food complex should be aimed at transformation of crisis sectors and industries on a new technological basis, development and introduction of resource-saving and progressive technologies, and at leveling imbalances in the devel-opment of sectors. The risks of ensuring food security in Russia in modern conditions include a decrease in the effective demand of the population for food products, which is associated with a drop in income and an increase in prices for basic food products in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The necessity of strengthening protectionism and strategic orientation of management of the agri-food complex, formation of a manage-ment system that meets the long-term challenges of globalization has been substantiated.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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