Business processes in accounting: transformation and significance in the transition to the Federal Accounting Standard


Vakhorina Marina1


1. Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the optimization of accounting business processes as a tool for evaluating business performance in the transition to the Federal Accounting Standards. The research is based on the analysis of Russian and foreign publications, as well as on the integration of specialists ' experience, which reveals the practical significance of methods for transforming accounting business processes in commercial activities. The purpose of the study is to develop business processes based on the study of the theoretical positions of scientists-economists and the practical experience of professional accountants-practitioners. The tasks and stages of developing the transformation of accounting business processes during the transition to the FSB for the purpose of effective work of accounting are defined. The author's experience in the development of business process transformation is proposed, which is used to standardize all areas of accounting work on the example of a transport company. The results obtained have a certain scientific novelty: the developed or adapted methods of transformation of business projects affect the elimination of duplication of many business operations, identify areas of irresponsibility, and are also aimed at optimal organization of document flow and reduction of time labor costs. The author substantiates a more complete definition of "accounting business process" as a set of complex works aimed at collecting and summarizing information about the facts of the economic life of an economic entity, intended for external and internal users in order to assess the effectiveness of the business. Methodological techniques for the development of business processes related to accounting work can be used in the practical activities of accounting as a division of commercial small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as for outsourcing organizations that maintain accounting records and form accounting (financial) statements.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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