Key Parameters of the Model of Strategic Communications


Shakalov I.1


1. Krasnodar Region Development Fund


One of the approaches to the communication interaction organization, the most widely discussed, strategic one, allows one to abandon other approaches that are less effective in the context of intense competition. The paper shows that, despite the increased attention to the strategic planning of communications, there is a research literature controversy regarding the definition of its subject matter both in theory and practice. Even more relativistic is the idea of the specifics of strategic communication in a particular area. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main parameters of strategic communication as a special type of activity. The method of analysis is modeling. To achieve the goal, an activity model of strategic communication is developed, which allows clarifying its most important characteristics – motivation, purposefulness, hierarchy of tasks, structure (phases and individual actions). On this basis, in the future, it is possible to determine the specifics of the implementation of strategic communication in a specific area: the content of communication procedures, actions, steps.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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