The Practice of Applications a System of Unit Economics Indicators for the Purpose of Scaling a Business


Vakhorina Marina1


1. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


The article is devoted to the study of a system of unit economics indicators as a tool for scaling and finding points of business growth, which is the purpose of the study. The goal is determined by the solution of theoretical and practical problems: to reveal the main metrics used by the unit economy and the formulas for their calculation; assess the unit-economy system, changing metrics and thereby achieving the necessary financial results; formulate conclusions about the further application of unit economics in Russian entrepreneurship practice. The article presents the results of a study of unit economics indicators of a new management model and the relationship between them. The necessity of using a system of unit economic indicators in Russian business practice is substantiated. General scientific methods were used, such as the method of critical assessment, practical methods of generalization and professional judgment. The historical prerequisites for the emergence of unit economics are determined. The methodological features of unit economics have been identified, forming it into an independent management technology. Scientific novelty is determined by practical research and comparative analysis of various metrics of the unit economy system that influence financial activity for the purpose of scaling. The results of the study can be used as recommendations in practical activities by entrepreneurs for the purpose of business development, as well as a theoretical basis for further research on this topic.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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