Possibilities of Applying Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages at Universities


Rolgayzer Anastasiya1,Demidenko Ksenia2,Kadnikova Anastasiya2


1. Kemerovo Institute (branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2. Kemerovo State Medical University


The ubiquitous introduction of digital technology leads to changes in state educational standards. This happens due to the society’s need for forming new level competencies as well as rethinking the roles of teachers and students, which leads to reorganization and modernization of educational space. The urgency of this research is conditioned by the forced appliance of distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires active inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies in all activities of the state and society. The article deals with implementing the state program of education digitalization, using innovative information technologies, distance learning among other things, within teaching foreign languages at universities. The authors consider learning management system Moodle applicable for classroom, self-, individual and additional students’ studies. The methodology of organizing and monitoring students’ knowledge with the help of ICT has been introduced and is currently being applied at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Kemerovo branch) for the subject of "Foreign language".


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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