Verbal and Visual Components of the Screen Texts (Case Study of Film And Teletexts)


Evgrafova Yuliya1


1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy oblastnoy universitet


Computer, electronic and Internet revolutions led to the situation when homogeneous printed text is being replaced by screen audiovisual text comprising verbal and non-verbal units of meaning. This article studies such kind of heterogeneous, polycode-multimodal texts, film texts in particular. The aim of the article is to elicit the correlation of verbal and non-verbal (visual) components of the heterogeneous screen texts. To achieve the aim the analysis of verbal component of the moving continuum in comparison with kinemorphs is being done. The results of the research show that verbal and non-verbal, i.e. visual, units of meaning relate to each other by interdependence and determination. Apart from that, it is found out, that there are associations that lie in the basis of the structural-semiotic organization of the heterogeneous screen texts: association on analogy, juncture and co-occurrence. The analysis shows that contamination of verbal and visual units of meaning leads to the manipulation of the conscience, to the stereotype channeling in particular. The next step of the research is stated – to verify the obtained results on the heterogeneous screen texts videotexts of the Internet.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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