Improving the Mechanism for Managing the Development of Innovations in an Industrial Enterprise


Nikolenko T.1


1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The research topic is relevant due to the fact that the innovative activity of economic entities has a significant impact on the development of the state, its economy, science, industry and society. In addition, having a high innovative potential, the organization ensures its independence, financial stability and well-being. The article considers the organization and analysis of innovation activity on the example of a specific enterprise. The system of evaluation of the implementation of the innovative development program is considered, its disadvantages are identified in the form of the lack of interrelations between the target criteria and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Recommendations for improving the mechanism of innovation management in terms of assessing innovation activity are proposed. Changing the organizational structure with the allocation of a special unit to manage the implementation of the innovation program will allow coordinating the actions of employees and ensuring effective interaction to achieve a common goal. The updated system of indicators of innovation activity demonstrates the impact of the results of the implementation of innovative projects on various spheres of activity of the enterprise.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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