Application of Zoning Method in Assessing the Tourism and Recreational Potential of Rural Areas of Novosibirsk Region


Mytareva E.1,Shamray I.1,Elovskaya M.1,Chernyh S.1


1. Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation


The article deals with the methodology of assessing the development of rural tourism in the region based on the application of the zoning method. The article is devoted to the study of key problems of rural tourism development in modern realities, taking into account the existing limitations and outlines the prospects for the implementation of this type of tourism in the Novosibirsk region. The authors critically analyze the scientific works of domestic scientists devoted to the development of agrarian (rural) tourism. In the process of research, the author’s method of assessment of tourist and recreational potential of the Novosibirsk region was developed, criteria for calculating the potential of priority components of the tourist infrastructure were selected, the opportunities for the development of agrarian (rural) tourism were assessed with the selection of the most promising administrative-territorial (municipal) districts of the Novosibirsk region. The article is intended for managers of tourist business, students, any interested users.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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