The problem of income distribution between labor and capital


Basovskaya Elena1,Basovskiy Leonid1


1. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


The work is devoted to an attempt to give a quantitative assessment of trends in the distribution of income between labor and capital in modern Russia. The work uses Rosstat data on the structure of primary income for the totality of Russian regions as a whole and data on the value of the gross regional product and the value of VIP for 2004–2022. The influence of the per capita gross regional product (GRP) on the distribution of primary income — wages of employees and the aggregate of gross profit of the economy and gross mixed income was assessed. Estimates were given based on the identification of correlations. Linear econometric models were built for the dependence of the share of wages of employees, the share of gross profit of the economy and gross mixed income in GRP on the value of per capita GRP, as well as models of trends in changes in the share of wages and the share of profit and gross mixed income in GDP. The results of the study indicate that the growth of per capita GRP contributes to a decrease in the share of wages of employees and an increase in the share of gross profit of the economy and gross mixed income. In modern Russia, over the past decade, there has been a decrease in the share of wages paid to employees and an increase in the total share of gross profit and gross mixed income. The identified trends do not correspond to the basic principles of development of the post-industrial economy and may be due to the ineffectiveness of economic policies that impede economic development and limit the rate of economic growth.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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