Ironic Disagreement and Objection in Everyday Communication


Luzhnaya M.1


1. Pushkin State Russian Language Institute


The paper describes the speech acts of disagreement and objection. An attempt to differentiate these speech acts is made. Direct and conventional indirect speech acts that implement these intentions are presented in dictionaries and textbooks on speech etiquette, as well as described in the scientific literature. The systematic research of contextual and situational indirect speech acts of disagreement and objection has not been practically carried out. The research focuses on ironic contextual and situational indirect speech acts of disagreement and objection ("the second degree of indirection"). The aim of the paper is to describe the functioning of these speech acts. The methods of definitional analysis, discursive analysis, quantitative analysis, as well as descriptive and analytical method were used in the research. The analysis of the material revealed that ironic contextual and situational indirect speech acts of disagreement and objection have the forms of representatives, rogatives, directives, expressives. The research considers examples of combining the intentions of disagreement and objection with other intentions (advice and reproach) in polyintentional contextual and situational indirect speech acts. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it analyzes the ironic contextual and situational indirect speech acts of disagreement and objections in everyday communication. The analysis of indirect speech implementations of these intentions is carried out. Using the results of the research can be useful for further study of everyday communication and in practical activities of teachers who are taking up the problems of communication and language teaching.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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