Language Means of Expressing Emotional and Rational Evaluativity in Online Comments


Van Yue1


1. Pushkin State Russian Language Institute


The paper goes on emotional and rational evaluativity in the Internet on the material of Russian-language online comments. Examples of online comments are given, which explore the relationship of emotion and evaluation, objective and subjective evaluation, rational and emotional evaluation. The aim of this study is to analyze the online comments from the point of view of identifying the language means of expressing emotional and rational evaluativity. The language means of implementation of rational and emotional evaluativity in online comments are analyzed on different linguistic levels: lexical, morphological, syntactic, stylistic and phonetic. The research material was 289 online comments from VK, YouTube, and various forums, published in 2020-2022. The selection principle was texts, in which emotional and rational evaluativity were verbalized. In online comments, rational evaluativity is often combined with emotional evaluativity, which makes it difficult to distinguish them.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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