Increasing the Communicative and Speech Activity of the Future Teacher in the Conditions of Distance Education


Zyukina Z.1


1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


The relevance of the research is due to the low level of communicative-speech activity and communicative skills of future teachers, as well as the lack of elaboration of the problem of interest to us in linguometrics in the conditions of distance and mixed forms of education. The purpose of the study is to develop methods that stimulate the communicative and speech activity of students in the system of higher pedagogical education in the conditions of distance and mixed forms of education. The leading methods of studying this problem are the analysis and abstracting of scientific literature, generalization of the practical experience of a number of researchers and their own, included observation, which allows us to comprehensively consider the issues of interest to us, pedagogical experiment, which allows us to test on an empirical level the developed elements of the author's methodology. Results. The article reveals the concept of "communicative-speech activity", identifies the features of its manifestation, identifies the factors and methods of teaching that affect the formation of communicative-speech activity of future teachers. The scientific novelty of the research consists in determining the minimum of speech-related knowledge about communicative speech activity and its types, as well as in developing a methodology for increasing communicative speech activity in the conditions of distance and mixed forms of education. Practical significance. The materials of the article are of practical value for future teachers who will be able to increase their own communicative and speech activity; will enable the university teacher and the teacher to more effectively organize work on the formation and improvement of communicative skills and can be taken into account when developing manuals, innovative distance learning programs.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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1. The Picture of the World in Communication Studies;Scientific Research and Development. Modern Communication Studies;2022-09-26







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