Game-Theory Modeling of Decisions of Electronic Educational Resources Producers


Vlasov Dmitriy1


1. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


The purpose of article is representation of results of construction and a research of model of development of strategic decisions of producers of the electronic educational resources having essential value for formation of the uniform educational environment and digitalization of education. The presented ideas in the field of creation of game-theoretic models and also mechanisms of use Wolfram-of technologies game-theoretic models can be useful to managers in the field of risk to a research, to experts, economists and managers. From the methodical point of view, the presented possibilities of modeling of decisions of producers of electronic educational resources are of interest to improvement of quality of applied mathematical training of future bachelor of economy.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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1. Game Modeling of Strategies for Providing Tourist Product in Different Information Conditions;Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;2022-07-24







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