Regional Factors of the Effectiveness of the Strategy of Enterprises and Or-ganizations


Basovskaya Elena1,Basovskiy Leonid1


1. Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University


The purpose of the work was to assess the influence of regional factors on the ef-fectiveness of strategies of enterprises and organizations in the regions. The assessment of the correlation between the profitability of assets of enterprises and the organization, including enterprises of the extractive and manufacturing industries, with indicators characterizing the economy of the regions of Russia is carried out. The data of Rosstat were used. It was found that regional factors have little impact on the effectiveness of the strategy of enterprises and organizations. The influence of regional factors is contradictory. First of all, new fixed assets and inequality of income distribution, productivity and capital-labor ratio can have a positive impact on the profitability of assets of enterprises and organizations. The negative impact on the profitability of assets of enterprises and organizations, first of all, can be caused by the innovative activity of organizations and the export of machinery and equipment. The results obtained suggest that in the context of the continuing dominance of the industrial technological order in the Russian economy, machines and equipment can be offered for export, the competitiveness of which is ensured by low prices. It is possible that the statistics of innovation activity does not reflect the essence of innovations, which can be essentially innovations of in-dustrial technological structures.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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