Machine-Building Industry of Tyumen Region Economy: Analysis of the Current State and Development Trends


Lysenko I.1


1. Tyumen Industrial University


The machine-building industry of the Tyumen region is one of the key areas of specialization in the entire regional production complex. The Tyumen industry is in urgent need of products from the local machine-building complex in the conditions of sectoral restrictions and macroeconomic instability, which cause the unavailability of imported machinery and equipment. The state and strategic development of mechanical engineering in the region will also determine the development trends of the industrial sector. In turn, the pace and scale of development of regional production have an impact on the direction and priorities of development of Tyumen engineering. The article reviews the dynamics of statistical indicators that characterize the current state of the machine-building industry in the Tyumen region. Trends in innovation and investment activity of machine-building enterprises are revealed. The foreign economic activity of the sector is studied. The place of the industry in the structure of the regional economy is analyzed.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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