Fertilizers influence on grain yield and quality of spring durum wheat in the steppe Volga


Амиров ,Amirov Marat


The development of modern systems of fertilizers for hard spring wheat assumes full satisfaction of the needs of plants in the macro-and micronutrients, based on a comprehensive assessment of their content in the soil. In this case, the most important theoretical and applied problem is finding the best standards, terms of fertilizer application, taking into account the specific agro-climatic regions. The amount of captured energy depends on the degree of plants development, which in turn is linked with the security of their water, nutrients and warmth, the species affiliation and grade. Nowadays , the most advanced is a method of calculating the balance fertilization rates in various versions. According to this method, fertilizers are calculated for a projected yield based on the requirements of the plants in the mineral elements , their content in the soil , the ratios of their use of soil and fertilizer. This paper presents the results of the geographic location of wheat growth, which is characterized by different climatic and soil conditions , its impact not only on productivity but also on the amount of proteins in grains of durum wheat. Improvement technologies of wheat produced led to significant improving of soil conditions habitat of plants. It is possible, in turn, to spread not only soft, but hard wheat in the more northern regions of the Middle Volga region.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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