Characteristics of double sodium layer over Haikou, China (20.0° N, 110.1° E)
Дали Ян1, Dali Yang2, Теминь Чжан1, Tiemin Zhang2, Цзихун Ван3, Jihong Wang4, Цзяньцин У1, Jianqing Wu2, Линьмао Ван1, Linmao Wang2, Сюй Цзоу1, Xu Zou2, Хунянь Пэн1, Hongyan Peng2
1. Хайнаньский педагогический университет 2. Hainan Normal University 3. Национальный центр науки о космосе, Академия наук КНР 4. National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences
We study the property of double sodium layer structures (DSLs) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) by a lidar at the low-latitude location of Haikou (20.0° N, 110.1° E), China. From April 2010 to December 2013, 21 DSLs were observed within a total of 377 observation days. DSLs were recorded at middle latitudes of Beijing and Wuhan, China, but were rarely observed at low latitudes. We analyze and discuss characteristics of DSLs such as time of occurrence, peak altitude, FWHM, duration time, etc. At the same time, the critical frequency foEs and the virtual height h'Es of the sporadic E layer Es were observed by an ionosonde over Danzhou (19.0° N, 109.3° E). We discuss such their characteristics as differences of time, differences of altitude compared to DSLs. We used an Nd:YAG laser pumped dye laser to generate the probing beam. The wavelength of the dye laser was set to 589 nm by a sodium fluorescence cell. The backscattered fluorescence photons from the sodium layer were collected by a telescope with the Φ1000 mm primary mirror.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics
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