Fine structure events in microwave emission during solar minimum


Чэнмин Тань12,Chengming Tan34,Биолинь Тань12,Baolin Tan34,Йихуа Йан52,Yihua Yan64,Вэй Ван1,Wei Wang3,Линьцзе Чэнь1,Linjie Chen3,Фэй Лю1,Fei Liu3,Ицзян Доу7,Yujiang Dou8


1. Национальные астрономические обсерватории Китая

2. Университет Китайской академии наук

3. National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences

4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

5. Главная лаборатория исследования солнечной активности, Национальные астрономические обсерватории, Академия наук КНР

6. Key Laboratory of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

7. Университет Сучжоу

8. Soochow University


The solar minimum is a period with a relatively smaller number of sunspots and solar eruptions, and has been less studied before. Since the radio signal rapidly responds to the change of solar plasma and magnetic field, we perform a comprehensive analysis of high resolution spectrum data from SBRS and MUSER: 1) a search for solar radio bursts of different kinds in recent solar minima (2007–2009 and 2016–2018); 2) an analysis of several typical radio burst events, negative and positive drifting bursts, for example the November 22, 2015 and August 29, 2016 events; superfine spectral structure events with mini-flares and even without sunspots, for example the March 28, 2008 and July 04, 2017 events. These results show that there were many radio bursts with a fine structure during solar minima. These events occurred not only in powerful flares, but also in faint flares (class C and B by GOES) or even without flares, but in regions related to weak brightenings or ejecta. We assume that the weak solar radio bursts observed by telescopes with high sensitivity and low interference will help us to understand the basic physical characteristics of small-scale solar eruptions.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science,Geophysics

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