International review of the literature and guidance on food allergen cleaning


Arrowsmith Helen, ,Wallis Lewis,James Christopher,Blitz Nigel,Wood Ann


People with food allergy must avoid eating the foods they are allergic to as they may react to very small amounts of such foods. Allergenic food left on surfaces or equipment could contaminate another food that is also prepared using the same surface or equipment. Cleaning of surfaces and equipment is therefore one way that businesses try to prevent contamination with food allergens. Food businesses let people know that food could be contaminated with allergens using Precautionary Allergen Labelling (PAL) such as ‘may contain’ statements. Evidence gathered from previous food industry consultations shows that there is uncertainty around the effectiveness of allergen cleaning which is a barrier to effective use of PAL.


Food Standards Agency

Reference161 articles.

1. Acharya, S. (2021) Food Standards Agency Blog: Our food hypersensitivity strategy and commitment to consumers (Opens in a new window). [28 March 2023].

2. AIB International (2022) Cleaning tips to prevent allergen cross-contact issues (Opens in a new window) [online] [28 March 2023].

3. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (2014) Food Safety Guidebook. Edmonton: Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

4. Control of nutritive allergens in a hospitality kitchen;Aleksić;Meat Technology 61(1),2020

5. Allergen Bureau (2023) Production: Cleaning (Opens in a new window) [online] [28 March 2023].







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