Calcium carbide, a popular substance used in commercial ripening of fruits has been shown to have deleterious effects on reproduction. The protective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present in Allium cepa (AC) were harnessed in this study to counter the adverse effects of calcium carbide (CC) on the reproductive potentials of male albino wistar rats. Thirty sexually mature male albino rats were randomly divided into six groups (I, II, III, IV, V and VI) of five rats each. Group I (negative control) was administered distilled water. Group II received CC (0.25mg of calcium carbide per 20g of feed per rat). Group III received AC (100mg/kg) only, while the treatment Groups IV, V and VI received CC(0.25mg) + AC (100mg/kg), CC (0.25mg) + AC (200mg/kg) and CC (0.25mg) + AC (400mg/kg), respectively. Following administration, the animals were assessed for sexual behaviour (libido), antioxidant effects, gonadosomatic index, semen characteristics and testicular histomorphology. The result obtained revealed improved reproductive traits including libido, semen characteristics (p<0.05), remarkable anti-oxidative properties and gonadosomatic indices (p<0.05) in groups III, V and VI when compared to group II. The testicular histomorphology image showed ameliorative activities of A. cepa (V and VI) on the degenerative activities of calcium carbide observed in II. This study suggests, therefore, that A.cepa has an ameliorative effect on calcium carbide-induced reproductive toxicity in a dose dependent manner.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umdike (MOUAU)
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