The effects of methanol extract of tiger nut on haematobiochemical parameters during experimental lead poisoning in Red Sokoto goats were investigated. The seeds of tiger nuts were extracted with 90% methanol. Phytochemical analyses were carried out using standard procedures. A total of twenty-four adult Red Sokoto goats of both sexes were separated randomly into four groups for acute and chronic studies. Three goats in both acute and chronic studies were housed per group. In the acute and chronic studies DW groups was administered an equivalent amount of distilled water (400 and 200 ml/kg). Group II was only administered lead acetate (400 and 200 mg/kg). Group III was administered with methanol extract of tiger nuts (400 and 200 mg/kg) combined with lead acetate (400 and 200 mg/kg) respectively. Group IV was administered with tiger nuts (400 and 200 mg/kg) only for a period of 2 and then 20 weeks for acute and chronic phases respectively. Haematobiochemical parameters were determined. The lead acetate and lead acetate combined with methanol extract of tiger nut in acute and chronic groups showed microcytic normocytic and microcytic hypochromic anaemia respectively with the latter suggestive that with chronicity, an enzymatic inhibition of haemoglobin synthesis led to iron deficiency. Alterations in serum biochemical enzymes and other parameters indicative of hepato-renal injury were observed and ameliorated by methanol extract from tiger nuts
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umdike (MOUAU)