This research was conducted to evaluate varietal variations in the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of Musa paradisiaca (plantain) peels and leaves from Onne, Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria. Peels and leaves of six different varieties of plantain (Cantebalon peel, Cantebalon leaves, PITA 26 peels, PITA 26 leaves, PITA 23 leaves, and PITA 23 peels) were used for the study. Samples of the peels and leaves of these varieties were collected from the Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Onne, Rivers State, Nigeria. They were dried and milled. These were analysed for proximate composition, fibre fraction, mineral composition, and anti-nutritional factors, using standard procedures. Results showed significant (P<0.05) differences in proximate composition, fibre fraction, mineral composition, and anti-nutritional factors. Thus, PITA 26 leaves showed the highest significant value for crude protein (21.33%), nitrogen free extract, NFE (41.20%), crude fibre (17.13%), acid detergent lignin, ADL (11.36%), neutral detergent fibre, NDF (48.89%), Ca (0.27), Mg (0.28), Zn (4.08), Cu (20.95), Mn (24.51), and Fe (145.50). Consequently, because of its high nutritive value, PITA 26 leaves could be utilized in addressing scarcity of feed ingredients, and nutrient deficiencies in ruminants.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umdike (MOUAU)
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