1. Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
Background: To examinate the property of skin irritation of MECAMIX herbal cream on experimental rabbit, thenceforward, evaluating the test steps to commercialize research product for the community.
Materials and method: MECAMIX herbal cream is manufactured and supplied by Vietnam Medical Sciences Application Company (VMSA). Laboratory research, cross-sectional and experimental design in controlled animals.
Results: About skin irritation, the irritant point of Mecamix K < 0.07; qualified within the point limit of [0 - 0.5], corresponding to negligible skin irritation.
Conclusion: MECAMIX herbal cream is perfectly satisfactory in terms of skin irritation standards as stipulated by the Ministry of Health in Decision 3113/1999 /QĐ-BYT dated on October 11th, 1999 of the Minister of Health.
Key words: Mecamix, herbal cream, skin irritation
Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy
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