1. Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
Objective: Examination ofclinical, sub-clinical characteristics and attitudes of management of acute fetal distress at Maternity Department, Hue Central Hospital.
Methods and Material: Descriptive cross sectional study on 208 acute fetal distress patients at Maternity Department of Hue Central Hospital from 06/2016 – 03/2017.
Results: DIP II: 35.6% and Apgar score after birth < 7: 4.1%, variability < 5 bpm: 7.2%, and Apgar score after birth < 7: 6.7%. Dark green amniotic fluid: 25.0% and increase after birth. Apgar score/1 minute < 7: 1.9%, Apgar/5 minutes < 7: 0.5%. Medical treatment: infusion, oxygen, lying on the left side are the most used methods. Management of obstetric use including caesarean (94.2%), Forceps (1.5%), natural childbirth (4.3%).
Conclusions: Follow Monitoring changes and amniotic fluid color are very valuable in the diagnosis of acute fetal distress. Treatment of acute fetal distress is a combination of medical and obstetric treatment.
Key words: Acute fetal distress, green amniotic fluid, cardiotocography
Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy