1. Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
2. Hue Central Hospital
Objective: To study the clinical, paraclinical features and evaluate the treatment results of patients who have chronic sinusitis with abnormal nasal septal and nasal tubinate by septoplasty and turbinoplasty.
Material and method: 40 patients were diagnosed chronic sinusitis, operated by septoplasty and turbinoplasty. Methods are cross sectional and propective studies.
Results: Percentage of male (57.5%), female (42.5%). The most common age group is 16-30 years old (72.5%). Main reason for being hospitalized is nasal obstruction (65%). Funtional symtoms: headache (77.5%), nasal obstruction (97.5%), nasal discharge (60%), smell disorders (20%). Physical symtoms: mucosal oedema (87.5%), fluid in nasal cavity (90%), partial obstructed ostiomeatal complex (47.5%), 100% patients without nasal polyps. The most prevalent morphologies of nasal septal is deviation (50%). Medium level of nasal septal deviation is most common (67.5%). Nasal septal deformities (NSD) in area 4.5 has a higher rate (70%) than area 1,2,3 (30%). 37 patients have hypertrophy inferior tubinate: soft (57.8%), both side (67.6%). 7 patients (100%) have concha bullosa, left and right side at the same rate (42.85%). After 3 months, results through funtional symtoms: very good (80%), good (20%). Results through nasal endoscopy: very good (70%), good (20%). 100% of patients have straight nasal septal, 95% have thin tubinate.
Conclusions: Treatment of chronic sinusitis with abnormal nasal septal and turbinate by septoplasty and turbinoplasty have high rate in very good result.
Key words: Chronic sinusitis, nasal septal deformities, hypertrophy inferior tubinate, concha bullosa
Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy