1. PhD student of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
2. Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University
3. Institute of Traditional Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City
Introduction: Stroke is still an urgent problem because of an increase in morbidity, mortality and many neurological sequelae. In Vietnam, studies using traditional medicine combined with acupuncture in the treatment of motor rehabilitation after stroke are still less compared to acupuncture studies. This study evaluates the efficacy of “Huyet phu truc u” decoction and electronic acupuncture combination therapy in motor rehabilitation in patients with hemiplegia after ischemic stroke.
Subjects and methods: 40 patients with hemiplegia after ischemic stroke, eligible for study, were treated with “Huyet phu truc u” decoction combined electronic acupuncture.
Research Methods: Longitudinal study with pre- and post-treatment follow-up.
Result: Barthel points at the end of the study increased 1.73 times, Barthel points are ranked from the average or higher 97.5%, good + fairly 55%. Muscle strength from the 2/5 or higher 100%, from the 3/5 or higher 70%.
Conclusions: The method treated with “Huyet phu truc u” decoction and electronic acupuncture combination has effected for treatment motor rehabilitation in patients with hemiplegia after ischemic stroke.
Key words: “Huyet phu truc u” decoction, “Huyet phu truc u” decoction and electronic acupuncture, The Barthel index
Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy
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