1. P. Lazarev, M. Paukshto, T. Fiske, and L. D. Silverstein;Thin Crystal Films (TCF) for LCD Contrast Enhancement, poster paper P-116 SID Annual Meeting Baltimore MD May '03
2. C. R. Wolfe;A Quantitative Model for Calculating Viewing Angle of Projection Systems, SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference January '03, paper # 5002 - 11
3. C. R. Wolfe et al;EngineeringBlackScreenfor Rear-Projection Television Applications, SID IDMC, Taipei Taiwan February '03.
4. see Section13.1 “Characteristics of the Human Visual System” in Projection Displays by E. H. Stupp and M. S. Brennesholtz, SID Series in Display Technology — Wiley ISBN 0 - 471 - 98253 - 9