Application of Aerospace Technologies in Environmental Safety Management of Planned Activities with the Help of Integrated Automations


Mashkov Oleh1ORCID,Ivashchenko Taras2ORCID,Mukhina Kateryna3ORCID


1. State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management

2. Ecology State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management

3. National University of Food Technologies


The article considers the problems of application of aerospace technologies in the management of environmental safety of the planned activity with the help of integrated automated systems. The purpose of the article. The aim of the article is to determine the features of the application of aerospace technologies in the management of environmental safety of planned activities using integrated automated systems and the formation of a methodology for assessing environmental risk in the ecosystem. The scientific novelty is that the proposed methodology for assessing environmental risk in the ecosystem and provided scientific and practical recommendations for the use of space technologies for Earth observation to study the state of the environment in the management of environmental safety of planned activities Conclusions. The methodology of ecological risk assessment in the ecosystem is considered. The risk analysis scheme includes a wide range of interrelated problems and different stages: identification of risk factors, risk assessment, risk management. Recommendations for ecosystem risk assessment are provided. Features of risk management in the ecosystem are considered. The risk management strategy defined in the environmental decision-making support system may be based on the choice of the level of risk in the range from the minimum (which is considered to be quite small) to the maximum allowable. The article considers several strategies for environmental safety management: prevention of the causes of catastrophes up to the abandonment of products of hazardous industries, closure of emergency facilities; prevention of emergencies in cases where it is impossible to avert the causes of disasters (construction of protective structures, dams, the creation of an underground economy, early evacuation of the population, etc.); disaster mitigation, implementation of stabilization and compensation measures. The most suitable, from the point of view of the main goal of environmental safety management, is risk minimization, ie the implementation of the first and second strategies. However, in practice this is not always possible. A combination of all three types of strategies is most likely. Therefore, the selection of space survey materials is an important step in the classification for environmental monitoring. Procedures of thematic decoding and creation of digital maps of the area with the use of comic images are considered. When creating a digital map of ecological monitoring of regions, it is advisable to use the procedure of creating a vector layer of terrain in the ArcCatalog environment, and build a mosaic image using the software Erdas Imagine. Key words: aerospace technologies, ecological safety, ecological information, ecological problem, ecological threats, environment, process of making information ecological decisions, system of support of ecological information decisions, system of management of ecological safety, system approach, managerial decisions.


NGO “Academy of National Security”

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