Reduction of Violent Mortality in Order to Ensure National Security and Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Ukraine


Rynhach Nataliia1ORCID


1. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The aim of the article was to analyze violent mortality in Ukraine for some causes (level and structure), track its changes in the dynamics of 1991-2020 and reflect activities to reduce its level in the tasks to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine to highlight the importance of the problem for national security of the country. Scientific novelty. The importance of combating violence as an urgent task for public administration at the national, regional and local levels, aimed at ensuring public and personal safety and reducing the loss of human life as a result of violent deaths, is substantiated. The importance of the problem for Ukraine was illustrated through the representation of tasks related to the prevention of deaths from violence in the national strategy for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis of violent mortality in the dynamics since Ukraine's independence according to the official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine of the WHO European Regional Database (European mortality database) revealed such features as significant differentiation by sex and higher than in the EU-15 probability of death over 65 years. Ukraine also differs from the excessively high level of losses classified as harm with uncertain intent. Despite the positive dynamics (decreasing of mortality rates due to suicides, homicides and intentional injuries) since 1991, the predominance of indicators compared to the EU-15 has increased. The hypothesis of probable changes under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic is substantiated. Conclusion. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the process of reducing violence and related threats to life, health and well-being of citizens will be facilitated by the consistent adoption and implementation by Ukraine of measures at the international, national and local levels aimed at political, social and economic determinants. Key words: violent mortality, suicide and self-inflicted injury, homicide and assault, Sustainable Development Goals, national security management.


NGO “Academy of National Security”

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