Objectives: In this study, we intend to propose a network analysis-based pipeline for drug repositioning using social network service data.Methods: We collected and analyzed 778 final posts on Cozaar-tab, a representative antihypertensive drug, from posts (2008-2022) of Naver Cafe, the largest social channel in Korea. For the analysis, we defined three filter dictionaries of the Cozaar-tab based on WHO-ART, an international classification system for drug side effects, and completed a network map by visualizing the extracted keywords.Results: We discussed to prepare evidence for drug repositioning from Cozaar-tab’s unexpected keyword ‘drowsiness’ to sleep inducing agent.Conclusions: Although this process is a narrow pipeline performance for a specific drug, it is expected to contribute to laying the foundation for data-based drug repositioning by supplementing it through clinical off-label review, additional data acquisition, and network analysis advancement in the future.
National Research Foundation of Korea
Ministry of Education
The Korean Society of Health Informatics and Statistics