1. Extracurricular Activity in a Higher Pedagogical Educational Institution: Conception, Normative and Methodological Materials [Vneuchebnaia deiatel'nost' v pedagogicheskom vuze: kontseptsiia, normativnye i metodicheskie materialy]. Ekaterinburg, 1998.
2. See The Young People of the Region: Social Problems and Ways to Solve Them [Molodezh' raiona: sotsial'nye problemy i puti ikh resheniia], Ekaterinburg, 1996; The Social Development of Young People in the Middle Urals [Sotsial'noe razvitie molodezhi srednego Urala], Ekaterinburg, 1997; Problems of the Upbringing of College Students in Today's Institution of Higher Learning. Theses of Papers at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Ekaterinburg, 15-16 April 1998. Parts I, II [Problemy vospitaniia studentov v sovremennom vuze. Tezisy dokladov Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Ekaterinburg, 15-16 aprelia 1998 g. Chast' I, II], Ekaterinburg, 1998; The College Student in 1999. An Information and Analysis Report Based on Materials of a Sociological Survey in May and April of 1999 [Student-99. Informatsionno-analiticskii otchet po materialam sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniia (mai-aprel') 1999 goda], Ekaterinburg, 1999; and others.