1. Yearbook of Public Education. Issue 1. Congresses on Public Education [Ezhegodnik narodnogo obrazovaniia. Vyp. 1. S"ezdy po narodnomu obrazovaniiu], compiled by V. N. Charnoluskii. Petrograd, 1915, p. 113.
2. Decrees of the First All-Zemstvo Congress on Statistics of Public Education in the City of Khar'kov, 12-18 June 1913 [Postanovleniia Pervogo obshchezemskogo s"ezda po statistike narodnogo obrazovaniia v g. Khar'kove. 12-18 iiunia 1913g.]. Khar'kov, 1914, p. 1.
3. See Works of the All-Zemstvo Conference in the City of Khar'kov on Statistics of Public Education, 12-18 June 1913 [Trudy Obshchezemskogo s'ezda v g. Khar'kove po statistike narodnogo obrazovaniia. 12-18 iiunia 1913 g.]. Khar'kov, 1914. 352 pages.