Placental dysfunction in women at risk and threat of premature delivery




1. Lviv national medical University named Danylo Galitsky, Lviv, Ukraine


Premature birth remains one of the most urgent problems of modern obstetrics. It is not possible to reliably establish the cause in 70–80% of premature births, so the search for risk factors and markers of premature termination of pregnancy is justified. According to many authors, 25–30% of women at risk of premature birth have placental dysfunction.The objective: was to assess the prevalence of placental dysfunction in women at risk of preterm birth and with preterm birth.Materials and methods. 80 pregnant women were under observation. The criteria for inclusion in the study were the presence of risk factors for premature birth – Group I (30 women) or the threat of premature birth – Group II (30 women). The control group consisted of 20 conditionally healthy pregnant women. Transabdominal ultrasound examination with color Doppler mapping, determination of free estriol, progesterone and placental lactogen levels in blood serum was performed at 18–21+6 and 28–30 weeks of gestation.Results. The average age of the patients was 31.4±2.5 years, there was no significant difference in age, life history, social status, somatic pathology between the formed groups. Pregnant women of groups I and II probably had a history of pelvic inflammatory disease more often than in controls; colpitis; sexually transmitted infections; pathology of the cervix and operations on the uterus and appendages. The course of this pregnancy in most of the women of the studied cohort was complicated by the threat of termination of pregnancy, 36.7% of pregnant women of the I group and 46.7% of the II group had premature births. Signs of premature ripening of the placenta were detected in 13 (43.3%) pregnant women of the experimental cohort and in 1 (5.0%) of the control group (Р<0.0001), which was accompanied by changes in parameters during dopplerometry of utero-placental blood flow. Clinical manifestations of placental dysfunction occurred in 36.7% of patients in the risk group of premature birth and pregnant women with a threat of premature birth, and were manifested by a decrease in the level of progesterone, a plateau in the increase in the level of placental lactogen. Morphological signs of placental dysfunction were found in 43.3% of cases of premature birth, which correlates with the frequency of early complications of pregnancy, primarily with the formation of retrochorial hematoma.Conclusions. Clinical manifestations of placental dysfunction (fetal growth retardation, preeclampsia) occur in a third of patients of the risk group and pregnant women with a threat of premature birth, which correlates with changes in the hormone-producing function of the placenta.


Professional Event, LLC


General Medicine

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