Information and analytical system “Spectrum of shadow cash flow distribution”


Baturina Evgeniya1,Litvinenko Aleksandr11


1. Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation


The structure of the article allows us to reveal the main content of the proposed information and analytical system, in order to provide a reasonable representation of the marker distribution of shadow non-cash cash flow by forming a database on the cash flow in the bank accounts of the studied persons and the practical implementation of the author’s methodology for economic and mathematical modeling of the process of monitoring the minimum value of shadow non-cash cash flow, as one of the main characteristics that identify the shadow economy for a certain period. Based on the review of the main provisions of the scientific literature in the field of countering the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds and the financing of terrorism, the qualitative characteristics of the initial data of the proposed information and analytical system are determined. The economic and mathematical tools for analyzing the initial data are considered on the example of the production of economic expertise.


Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

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