Human dignity (honor) in the aspect of abuse of right (doctrine, practice, technique)


Baranov Vladimir1,Romashov Roman2


1. Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. Saint-Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions


The article deals with authors’ definition of terms “vice”, “abuse”, “abuse with right”. The understanding of an abuse as a legally assessed negative impact expressed in behavioral form allows considering “abuse in law”, “abuse of rights” as relatively independent legally technical constructs. Personal rights and interests of individuals and incorporated participants of legal communications appear as objects of “malicious” impact. As a specific interdisciplinary object of abuse with right the right of personal dignity (honor) is considered. It is proposed to optimize the categories (apparatus of categories) of professional jurisprudence by reducing the names of all immaterial rights to this or that extent connected with respect to personality to two basic ca­tegories: dignity and reputation, which will significantly increase the efficiency of measures used for the legal protection there of.


Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia


General Medicine

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1. Personal dignity as a constitutional value: concept, practice, technique;Legal Science and Practice: Journal of Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;2024-03-28







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