On the question of the structure of the legal ideal in modern conditions


Treushnikov I.12,Gryaznova E.3


1. Nizhny Novgorod Academy of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

2. Volga Branch of the Russian State University of Justice

3. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University


The purpose of this work is to analyze the ideas in the modern socio-humanitarian scientific literature about the structure of the legal ideal. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the legal ideal is mainly considered in the system of axiological culture. The authors propose to structure the legal ideal on the basis of the dialectic of the components of managerial activity. This approach allows us to see that the legal ideal is a dialectical unity of a legal subject, object, means, goals, result, etc. in the system of managerial activity. The desire of mankind to build an ideal society and state on the basis of the legal ideal is a consequence of the movement of man himself towards the ideal. However, real life shows that what is desired is at odds with reality. This discrepancy is natural, but it is measurable and predictable. The digital society poses serious obstacles and problems in the movement of a person to perfection, distorting the very meaning of the concept of “perfect person”. In order to anticipate possible negative distortions of the concept of a legal ideal, it is necessary to conduct systematic studies of its nature and patterns of development, which gives an idea of its structure.


Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia


General Medicine

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