Hackathon: Definition, Practice and Perspectives of Use in Higher Education


Grechushkina N. V.1ORCID,Arefieva E. A.2ORCID


1. Ryazan Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnical University

2. Tula State University


In the article there are represented results of generalization and systematization of scientific and practical information about hackathons as an educational technology that is used in higher education and is of great interest to researchers and practitioners. The review has been made on the basis of Russian and foreign scientific publications considering the features of the organization and application of hackathons in the practice of higher education. The authors selected 494 articles issued in the period from 2011 to 2022 in publishings of the RSCI and SCOPUS databases by keywords “hachathon” and “education”, and 83 articles of them were analyzed in this review. It was found that publications about personal experience of participation and organization of hackathons and analytical articles revealing the author’s position on the issues considered in them dominate in the scientific literature on various aspects of hackathons use in the practice of higher education. Empirical studies and scientific reviews are presented to lesser extent. The analysis of publications made it possible to clarify the definition of the term “hackathon”, to identify the types of hackathons most often mentioned in the educational context (pedagogical, educational), and to define the term “educational hackathon”. A content analysis of publications has shown that various aspects of organizing and conducting hackathons in an educational context, their potential and impact on the educational process and its results are the subject of pedagogical discourse. Hackathons as educational intensives have found their application in university educational practice, providing new opportunities for improving the educational process in higher education, as they allow to implement project-, practice- and business-oriented approaches in training specialists. The main prospects of the hackathons use in education are identified and summarized. Introducing educational hackathons in the event plan of an educational organization make it possible to solve educational and career-oriented tasks, activate heuristic and creative cognitive activity of students. The analysis and evaluation of the hackathons impact on professionalization, academic motivation and educational achievements of students are promising areas of research on the problem of using hackathons in the educational process of higher education. 


Moscow Polytechnic University


Sociology and Political Science,Education,Philosophy

Reference59 articles.

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